Wednesday, February 23, 2011

22 February 2011 Tuesday (A stressful day)

Today I feel very2 stress, emotional and under a massive pressure. All people around me want me to do everything. I know I am lazy but why all of them give me lots of pressure. Fiza want me to gather contingent leader information that depends on their behavior. My stress increase as I have a thermo quiz. Need to work on that while I have a quiz, sure tiring me. My mind just for the task and for the quiz just let it be. I can’t answer although I study it. It is not because I don’t have any confident. I believe in what I do and the level of my knowledge now, never make me success in any quiz or test. I know the most how I do in quiz or test. At night, chap increase my pressure with t shirt price. To request all from committee is not an easy task. Everyone will keep pretending not have money and we ends up using up hicom money. Actually I want to see mama at evening but, all goes weird and I don’t have time to meet her. Sorry mama for the inconvenient incident. At evening, Z helps me to customize my blog using Photoshop. He is quite skilled at it but the design goes wrong. We will continue it next time. at night, Sopi went to my room and I sleep around 2 am without study a single subject. Feel like run out of study mood. I also have a lot of group works and my group act like nothing happen. If all of us like that, for sure we will get no mark for the task. Hopefully all of us will agree with each other someday.


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