Sunday, January 23, 2011

22 January 2011 Saturday ( Shopping At JJ)

Off to Ipoh today, although the promise is at 9.00 am we move, all of us seem very sleepy so the trip delayed to 10am. My sleep is disturbed by Nuzul call. He asks me for my room number, not his room no. so I just tell him both rooms. Since I was really sleepy, I ask for Zul help to look after Nuzul but Zul said he was not here yet. I just continue my sleep without worries. Around 8.30 am, I woke up. When I want to bath, I saw Nuzul stuffs in front of my room. The only missing stuff is Nuzul. Maybe he sends his family off to Terengganu at ground floor. Sharp at 10.00am, we move to Ipoh. Nuzul, Pek and Pe e stay at home as the housekeeper. Now, we will shop until our wallet empty. A lot of kitchen stuff needs to buy and some our personal things. The destination is Jaya Jusco. For the first plan, we are going to watch Khurafat movie since everyone is talking about it lately. Hisyam already watch it so he went to watch Paranormal alone. I, Haikal, Zul and Juwe went in the cinema to watch Khurafat. Before that, Zul buy a large set Popcorn and Haikal buy a mid size one. I and Juwe don’t buy anything because we are in money crisis. Sure there are a lot of suspense scenes in the movie, just likes others told me. The story line also nice and full of interesting part. The horror movie quite best compared to comedy and romantic one. In the middle of the movie, suddently, Haikal scream like a girl.haha. I don’t really know why. He seems like a tough guy and he scream. That was very odd. The ending is nice and I like it. About 3 people die in the story. We all looking for stuff after that based on our list. Juwe hold the list while I manage the financial. Each people give RM50 x 5 = RM250. Now we buy things based on the list and money. After Hisyam finished his movie, he joins us. Zul act as cameraman and took our shopping picture. The most expensive things are stove for RM99. All things cost about RM230. We had our lunch at Japanese restaurant and all the foods were very good. Ise join us since Fahmi and the Geng still perform Solat at Surau. The last plan is to survey anime at Video shop. It is Haikal idea to find a new anime. A lot of cool anime CD sold here. We only survey it and will download it by DC++ at UTP. It is a nice tactic when I think about this plan. We went back at 4.00pm. I, Zul and Juwe feel asleep while Hisyam accompany Haikal by converse. At room, I sleep and miss my futsal game. All my energy already used up. All people in this house have dinner at V5 cafĂ©. Forgot one thing, Zhafran also arrived at UTP this evening. Tomorrow, our house will be full because Paco will come. I choose a chicken chop with rice for my dinner. The most unexpected thing is I meet with Iera, Wawa, Tonet and Kb. I only know them once and not quite close but they don’t ignore me when I smile at them. This is the kind of relationship I want, never ignore person your know and get proud of yourself. I play futsal at night wit Amat, Mus, Zaiddin, Acap, Achi, Min, Sheqal, AE, Raez and the others.I t was a long play but very enjoyable.


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