Monday, April 8, 2013

7 April 2013, Sunday ( My feeling hurt so much)

Status jiwang sikit hari ni. 

Dari pkul 7 kot ak menunggu sampai pukul 12 am. lama x? menunggu for what? untuk makan subways. Tapi at the end everything is cancel out. Betullah orang cakap, bile kita suka kat someone, kita sanggup buat ap saja. See how the things going on me, i know it feel. Kalau dah orang x suka, buat ap kita terhegeh hegeh duk tunggu, ye x? hehs, ayen ayen. You are so damn crazy, crazier than any crazy man in this world, keluar sorang2 malam2 buta nak p cari subway? WTH i am thinking ha. Liking someone is not easy, furthermore liking the one that will never be yours. Accept the fate and continue your life. 

Btw aku lapar sungguh ni, tggu2 x dpt makan memang lapar lakan.ermmm, xpala..ak dah xde mood. Mulut cakap ok ja x kisah, tapi dalam hati frust menonggeng. kahkah..tu pasal boleh p start motor duk cari natang subway tu...lepas ni tgk subway terus trauma. 

Guys, don't be crazy because of love, it will not grant you anythings. A world love is temporary and mortal. The only immortal love is with HIM..just HIM


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