Thursday, April 11, 2013

11 April 2013, Thursday ( Farewell lunch )

Thanks a lot guys for buying me lunch really appreciated that. But it is a bit awkward to have a lunch with all Chinese people. Li Wei,John, Yeoh, Steven, Alyssa. Although i know them quite well but it is still awkward. But they sure know how to act in front of me, all of them will speak english so i understand what they all talk about. If in mandarin, Cantonese or hokkaine, then i will having problems. I don't know wither they talk about me or some other stuff

Guess where we went?

It is Nando's, i never tried before. Sorry that i never tried once. My status right know prevent me from try any expensive food. Sad isn't it?haha

Btw the chicken i would say it is superb, Can eat la, for me as long it is a chicken that it will be delicious. The also good. I just don't the sauce. Weird and taste bad. =(

Thanks for this wonderful guys rock!!!!


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