Monday, August 13, 2012

13 August 2012, Monday ( Jadi macam ni )

Alahai, kenapa la jadi macam ni, aku dah baca berkali2 kot soalan tu still lagi salah buat. Mungkin ni  balasan for me sebab certain2 things. Redha & tabah. so many un expected things happen today. 

Persoalan dia, macam mana aku nak survive vibration for this sem. Payah kaw2 kot. Haisy, tapi tadi ok lagi sebab ada sikit boleh jawab. Test 1 hambar terus. hoping for the best for final examination. CW vubration ntah apa markah yang aku dapat. Nasib baik test x 20%. klau x gelap terus harapan nak dapat A. 15%, ada la chance nak A, kalau aku study betul2 for final exam mesti xde masalah. Just wait for me final. I will deal with you with all my strenght. 

practice for tomorrow presentation. Ada 2 lagi presentation. Satu heat transfer. 


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