Saturday, March 26, 2011

25 march 2011 Friday ( Gamelan Test )

I love today activity. Play futsal with batch mate sure fun. We can play whatever type of play that we want. Not tied up with crazy rule others players make. My team members are rafiq, haikal, mus and aidil. We have a consecutive win and at last a consecutive loses. Adil perform well I think and I am sure he will manage himself in futsal league next semester. Probstat class ends early hence I have a time for my breakfast at Paprika. Speaking about food, there are a fan page on facebook titled boikot anjung rawa cafĂ©. Don’t know about the detail but it says that one plate of fried rice cost about rm6++. It is really expensive although for USA fried rice. MPP have taking a good survey on it somehow. Zakirin told me that after Gamelan class. He said right now MPP will try their best to help the students. Yb has cost around RM11 for dinner and mine is RM 6. After test, it makes me really hungry and wants to eat everything I want. The test went well but at first it makes me feel very nervous because I don’t know which line I will play. I am hoping for line 3 since it is the easiest. I was very lucky when I get exactly line 3. I finish all instruments with line 3. Thanks god for helping me. Alhamdulillah. After class, I went play futsal. Again I play with batch mate. Unfortunately, my knee and ankles got injured. Hopefully I will recover as fast as can, I want to play futsal more.


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