Sunday, December 2, 2012

2 December 2012, sunday ( closed )

Zul said this to me this morning ' hari ni hari ahad, aku takut kedai x bukak jer'. Aku tahu ap yg dia ckp tu betul tp, ak nak try jgak p beli klu x bila lg nak baiki moto aku. Try jela. Nice gak pagi2 ni jalan2 kenal2 jalan.

Everything zul said is true. The shop is closed, after fill up petrol i take a ride to pudin house. It has been a long time since i went there. Once in a while i should visit my friend. Seem their weekend not a productive one. just stay at home with their laptop. haha. i think all of us like this when there are no things to do. Last week, we went for a hiking, so this week just stay at home have a little rest. Min said he want to watch Wreck it Ralf. i agreed with him but i already spend lots of money. Not like i ran out of money, when i spend lots of money at one time, i will feel uneasy and something seems wrong. That is why i prefer having a budget for every week. maybe less than RM100.

We are having our lunch at seagate, although it is in front of my company, Knowles Electronic,s still seagate got the name. Seagate is a hard disk manufacturing company. The food court is named after it since it near to Seagate. whatever, not like a big deal. I love eating here, if we go at 12 noon, there are lots of menu, we got masak pdas, gulai, bbq, goreng, paprik, gulai lemak and so on. However the price is not cheap la, plain rice and a chicken cost around 4  ringgit. The menu here is really really good.

My brother got an amazing skill in drawing. in the old time i don't remember he has that kind of skill. His drawing skill keep increasing and i can say that now it is pretty superb. keep up the good work bro.

It is already winter in 4 season country. The preparation for Christmas is started by Christian people. Christmas at western country must be a grand one. Pity Christian people here, they don't have snow to play with. One of my dream is i want to go to all these country and play snow there. haha. Actually it is my childhood dream. Angan angan mat jenin. Never have opportunity to go to any of these country. When i see ika and chia yang posted their photo at france and germany, i got jealous. One day i will continue my study abroad. That is my dream. In whatever way i need to achieve it.


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