Today, i went to work by motorcycle since syeme is not feeling well. he has some kind of fever and his body really really hot. Hopefully he will recover soon. Nowadays, lot of people got fever. Drink plain water whenever you have free time will help keep fever away. I don't want to have any fever. It will make us less productive. only sleep for the whole day or maybe watching movie. Work? of course not. We will just trouble the others worker
Know what, i am in my way for creating another blog. This one will be open to all. I like soccer the most thus my blog will be all about soccer. I would like to share common interest among football fans. We can discuss about soccer whatever way we want. It is not like i know everything about football. In order for me to increase my knowledge on soccer, i need others people helps. it is not just soccer, other things as well. If we can't do it my ourselves, ask help from others. Sometime we can't accomplish something on our own.
wahh, Kak Miza was amazing, he buy me lunch. thanks a lot Kak Miza, may Allah bless you.Alhamdulillah. beside this happy news, pity Kher Min, he do the heavy work by himself, i would like to help but now it is already 5 pm. 30 minutes before go back home. tomorrow i will help him. Just to lift that things for 460 times sure take lots of times and also energy. li Wei should ask me to help him. sigh
Argh, a big mistake i done today, a new engineer, Chinese girl, Alisa greet me, i don't know what happen to me, my mind got blur and suddenly i shake hand with her. That is one of the biggest mistake in my life. Probably because before this i don't shake hand with yee shiang and she act like she didn't like me. i don't want the same thing happen but still i can't act like that. Really disappointed with myself. After this no more things like this in my life. When John introduce her to me again, i refuse to shake hand, and i think she know we muslim can't touch girl. That one is a relief. fuh..
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