Friday, November 16, 2012

16 November 2012,Friday ( Deal with the boss )

John, HOD NPD is a nice person, he is willing to tell me anything that i want to know. i meet him around 3 times today and one meeting take almost 1 hours. First meeting with kher min, then i went with Kak Ida, the last one is by my own. John talk a lot but of course it is something that benefit me. He doesn't  really  act  like a head of department, we can joke around and share others stories beside works. Willing to hear his employee story, but john, less talk will come from my mouth because i am a person who likes to keep secrets. deep into my heart.

Meeting abang kak ida at masjid. He seem doesn't remember me. Maybe because of new haircut. haha. Glad to see him with Kak Ida. A wonderful couple i might say.  And their son and daughter prettty cute. I just tell them to call me abang Long. So be nice to abang Long, although we rarely meet. Hope both of you remember me when we meet again, alia and azim. Love you both.

Hot ker aku? bukan hot ni sebab operator kat bawah tu x penah tgk trainee lelaki. Siap pandang semacam lagi. Lepas tu ada bunyi2 sikit. ingatkan pasal pakai smog kem3, cepat2 aku tukar kem 1. Aik bunyi lagi. Sah sah sebab hot. haha. But hot ker x, i don't care much. nak kawan boleh, nak lebih2 xleh. Tapi segan la aku kalau masuk line. Semua bg pandangan pelik. Tadi nasib baik david ada. Klu x memang segan!!!!.

Nice one Jozan, you make my day. The storyline and punchline were very nice. Laughing like crazy. The others seems off from the track. None of them can make me laugh. Of course if i am in it i also can't make people laughing but you all are pro right, should have done some research and come out with better idea. Not like this, lucky i watch it through youtube. If by ASTRO memang kena maki la, bayar2 program ntah apa2.


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