Bangun2 pukul 3 pagi, tengok sebahagian housemat bersiap nk g KL, Ada yang masih tido, actually aku mals nak pg KL sebab i got nothing to do there, tapi dah semua pg, tinggal sorang2 kat rumah ni mcm x best jer. Lagipun it is so creepy kalau duk sorang2.
That is why, now i am at KL, bapak mahal tol nak g KL, rm48. Petrol dah 70. Kadang2 aku rasa silap besar aku ikut sekali. Unlike diorang, aku xde tujuan khusus pg KL, setakat nak jalan2. So x pg pun xpe. But then still it is quite fun because i get to know new place and friends. Lgpun aku dpt jumpa amat & Juwe, my teammates, so it is not very bad la. Pun jumpe pehe zaini. Really relieve to see you all doing good. I will also be like you guys. Let us enjoy our life to the fullest.
Thanks again three of you, pegi Uptown. haha. sorry la aku anak kampung. Ingatkan pasar malam, x tahu plak dia dipanggil uptown. Barang yg dijual, baju, kasut, semua items yg macam ni. Not a very great one. Harga pun x murah. Yang best boleh window shooping tengok trend sekarang macam mana. Semua org duk berkepit dengan pakwe makwe masing2, then budak2 yg berumur setahun 2 tahun x tido lg wlaaupun jam dah pkul 1am. yang pompuan releks jer lepak2 sesama geng, ada lelaki lagi. Seriously the world have become rotten day by day. sigh.
konon nak bertolak pkul 2 am, tapi aku dah tahu dah yang kita akan gerak pagi esok. it is common sense
That is why, now i am at KL, bapak mahal tol nak g KL, rm48. Petrol dah 70. Kadang2 aku rasa silap besar aku ikut sekali. Unlike diorang, aku xde tujuan khusus pg KL, setakat nak jalan2. So x pg pun xpe. But then still it is quite fun because i get to know new place and friends. Lgpun aku dpt jumpa amat & Juwe, my teammates, so it is not very bad la. Pun jumpe pehe zaini. Really relieve to see you all doing good. I will also be like you guys. Let us enjoy our life to the fullest.
Thanks again three of you, pegi Uptown. haha. sorry la aku anak kampung. Ingatkan pasar malam, x tahu plak dia dipanggil uptown. Barang yg dijual, baju, kasut, semua items yg macam ni. Not a very great one. Harga pun x murah. Yang best boleh window shooping tengok trend sekarang macam mana. Semua org duk berkepit dengan pakwe makwe masing2, then budak2 yg berumur setahun 2 tahun x tido lg wlaaupun jam dah pkul 1am. yang pompuan releks jer lepak2 sesama geng, ada lelaki lagi. Seriously the world have become rotten day by day. sigh.
konon nak bertolak pkul 2 am, tapi aku dah tahu dah yang kita akan gerak pagi esok. it is common sense
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