The first thing to do if i get depresses, post something in my blog.
Not sure it is my bad side or good side, Each time i play futsal. I will get angry if someone play alone, mean that he do some skill & try to show off. Sorry guys, aku memang x suka klu ada orang macam tu. Menyampah ada, geram ada, last2 memang aku main kasar la. Serius doe orang lain pun nak main jugak, klu pass lambat kesian kat teammates yang mintak bola.Try to think for others once. Memang la korang terrer tapi fikir la. Aku dulu pun sama nak tunjuk hebat jer, skill x hebat manapun, just nak show off, tapi aku sedar yang main macam tu memang x sedap. The best way to play futsal or futball is pass the ball to the right one, ada jer kosong bagi terus. Bila aku main macam ni baru rasa nikmat futsal tu. Huhu.
That is my way of thinking la. Lain orang lain fikiran dia. Pandangan lain2. So it is up to you, for me aku x suka orang yang show off skill, main sorang2, ank buat boleh tapi aikit jer then pass, pass tu kena complete. Lagi satu jangan buat depan gol.
Emo plak aku rasa ni, sorry la we sebab tadi tersepak, dah mg main gitu geram jugak aku. Memang perangai aku macam tu. Sorry again...
haha first time cramp in my life, pergh sakit bukan main tadi. Alhamdulillah semua OK.
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