Wednesday, January 26, 2011

26 January 2011 Wednesday (Introduction Day UTPSC 2011)

Nothing much happen today except I have some classes and a sport (sukaneka) event to attend. My classes start at 9am until 1pm. 4 lectures to attend without any break and sure they make me tired. First is Fluid mechanics class. The venue change at last minute and all my course mates looks very tired because it is from Block 14 to Blok 20. Dr Airaine comes late to class about 15 minute. The lecture goes only for 30 minutes but I understand all stuff she teaches. The exercise is quite easy. Next lecture is probability and statistic. This one also a female lecture. Lucky us to get female lecturer. Their style of teaching absolutely different from male lecturer. I think I like this subject a lot because it only involved math. Then it is Solid Mechanic class. In the middle of lecture, one final year student come and promotes a Produa event. I not quite understand about the event. He takes about 5 minutes of our time for the stuff. The last lecture is thermodynamics. I also like the lecturer, (already forgot his name). His style of teaching was very cool and interesting. Finally, I can rest and have my lunch at 1,00pm since all classes is done. I, Hisyam and Usamah have a Chicken Alabama as our meal. The next restaurant was full. Some of my friends don’t get meal they want because it is finished before their turn. Pity them and lucky us. I had no worries for the lunch since Alabama was very delicious compares to others meals. This evening, I need to go to UTPSC 2011 Introduction day. It is at Co-Curriculum Unit Block. There are still more committee who are not arrived yet when the time is 2.30pm. It was already 30 minute late. The montage also can’t be play. When everyone is here, the clock shows 3.00pm. Some committees don’t come with any reasons. They are lacking of commitment and not qualify for UTPSC 2011 committee I think. The first activity is Doa recitations by Ketik APM2. Then we proceed with speech from PM, Fiza and En Zuhri. En Zuhri speech was very long and makes us sleepy. After that, all committee watch montage from PNP. It displays the OC for UTPSC 2011. The montage was very nice and cool. All committee need to introduce themselves by department. Forgot one thing, Shima, APM3 have migraine so she absent today. There are 6 department, HICOM, GNC1, GNC2, GNC3, PNP and LOG. Now comes the most interesting activity, the sukaneka. I got the same group as Wang, Usop, Sopi, Yon, Chan, Farah and another 3 I don’t know their name. We play 4 games and all look childish. SU1 and treasurer don’t play the games since they are MC. I had a lot of problem with the events. Hajar seem not satisfy with me, my group and also group 2. A lot of flaws occur and absolutely the game is invalid. Some team play tricks. Group 1 only full filled the condition and don’t look like want to win the competitions. At night, I finish up the rest of MOM and my journal. Hope syara will help me more with the MOM thing and another job because she is Secretary 2 UTPSC 2011(my assistant I think). Very tired today…….


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