Sunday, March 20, 2011

19 march 2011 Saturday ( what a day + new button )

A day that full of unexpected things. Just in the morning, all of UTPSC family was shocked by a bad news. .One of our committee, Aida involved in an accident. The first time I see her is in the morning around 9am. Her face fully covered with red blood. It is somehow kinda scary just looking at her. I know it must be really painful. I can’t straightly look at her face. Deep in my heart, I hope she will be alright. It is very weird because yesterday she is healthy as always and now everything seems different. Now, I have no idea what to do. Without knowing all the detail about road relay, I help with the event. It might be tougher for us but we must continue it so that aida will proud with us. It is the time to pay back all my debt. She helps me with blood donation and now I help her with road relay. I take care of check point 3 but I realize that this might be a boring job because only one person for each checks point. It is impossible for me to silent and does nothing in 2 hours. So I went to checkpoint 2 and hang around with Eli. Now, I have a partner to talk. Somehow, the member of our club increase to 3 people then 4.John and Payeh join us. Before faris come, we play ku ci pang (this is suggested from Eli). Quite fun but we can’t finish it because of the work. I love to hang out with everyone actually. It makes my life more cheerful + colorful. After road relay I went to Table tennis tournament to support ME. Meet afifi,awing,ain,rakin,hakim and z at there. Yan play double with Aisyah and they win against ME I think. At evening, Afifi win against Rakin while Awang and Ain win against Hakim and Z. It looks like Z go with full force. She is the most spirited it the court. I play a game with Farma(indon), Afifi and Ain. I don’t love table tennis the most but, sometime I fell very relief when play it. I think it is the right decision I let afifi play. At 5pm, I have Gamelan class and we will take our first test next week. We play as much as we can. Next, I went out to taman maju to buy some stuff. As I come back, I lost one of my buttons, AC Milan. But the luckiest thing is I got a new one from Z.haha. Thanks Z for the cute button. Likes the monkey icon on the badge. Actually, I want to collect buttons from all my friends. So that they can fill up my lonely when I am alone. At night, I, Hisyam and Nuzul make a bundle of Dadih around 1pm. Only need a little effort to finish it, however we still not sure how it taste. Hopefully it tastes delicious.


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